Honoring Art with Art!
The Thousand Moments in Art JHENG JEWELLERY Art Exhibition – A collaboration between century-old jewellery JHENG and legendary artist Wei HaiMin

``Thousand Stages, Yet I Have Never Quite Lived`` navigates through six classic roles performed by Wei HaiMin, reflecting on the legendary artist's love and life while paralleling Taiwan's changing eras. Wei HaiMin has deeply portrayed many unforgettable characters, embodying the resilience of Mu GuiYing(Note 1: Mu Guiying, a fictional character in the novel ``Yang Family Warriors`` written by the Ming dynasty author Xiong DaMu. She is also a character in the opera and novel of the same name. She possesses great strength and archery skills, displaying exceptional martial prowess from a young age. She dislikes feminine attire, preferring to wield knives and spears, and has honed her skills accordingly.), the talent and beauty of Yang YuHuan (Note 2: Yang Yuhuan was the beloved consort of Emperor XuanZong of the Tang Dynasty in China, known as Yang Guifei. She is portrayed as the epitome of feminine beauty and grace in the flourishing Tang literature.), the suppression of Cao QiQiao (Note 3: Cao QiQiao is a character in the novel ``The Golden Cangue`` by Eileen Chang, representing a woman oppressed by the feudal marriage system and subjected to persecution.) , the pursuit of Meng XiaoDong (Note 4: Meng XiaoDong is a renowned old sheng (male) roles performer in Peking Opera.), the reckless retaliation of Medea (Note 5: Medea, a character from the famous Greek tragedy ``Medea,`` is a resolute and ruthless woman who refuses to be bound by fate.), and the androgynous soul of Orlando (Note 6: Orlando, a character from Virginia Woolf's novel ``Orlando,`` is a character who breaks gender boundaries.), her portrayals transcend both modern and traditional contexts. Breaking through conventional performance levels, the play, for the first time, has Wei HaiMin perform her own story, allowing the audience to witness her truly ``living`` on the stage, and witness her unwavering challenge to herself.

Reflecting the concept of ``interpreting oneself,`` JHENG JEWELLERY, through the significant LianPu Collection, uses a mirror-like main stone to guide visitors to discover their true selves. Embedded in worldly jewellery, the exhibition fully encapsulates the essence of the event, narrating stories of the land and reflecting stories of each individual.
Based on the concept of characters transcending time and space in ``Thousand Stages, Yet I Have Never Quite Lived,`` the exhibition theme revolves around ``white,`` close to tradition but not limited by it. Symbolizing the past, being the lead actress for major theater companies and inheritor of the Mei School, Wei HaiMin has deeply cultivated tradition while innovating and creative. The bold and eye-catching ``red`` symbolizes extraordinary vigor, similar to Mu GuiYing's grandeur and Orlando's courage to explore. At this moment, Wei HaiMin continuously challenges herself, creating limitless interpretation for different roles. The ``silver`` appearance reveals her future self, fearlessly and not being confined by definitions.
The JHENG JEWELLERY LianPu Collection, reinterpreted by the artist Wei HaiMin, showcases a new appearance. This collaboration enacts diverse expression of unrestricted and unbounded creative output, elucidating the evolution of times and contemporary performance forms.

``Breeze brushes the railing, dew rich with fragrance`` - ``The Story of TaiZhen`` Yang GuiFei
JHENG JEWELLERY's new creations for the year 2021 inherit a century of craftsmanship. The new additions to the LianPu Collection are rich in Eastern cultural influences, under the vivid portrayal of artist Wei HaiMin's life experiences and distinctive performances in the roles, radiate even more brilliance. The Thousand Moments in Art JHENG JEWELLERY Art Exhibition pays homage to the original concept of ``Thousand Stages, Yet I Have Never Quite Lived`` and hopes to inspire a new perspective on Taiwan's artistic expression collectively.

Much like the scene where Mu GuiYing holds the seal and leads the army into battle, it correlates with Wei HaiMin's commitment to cultural heritage, innovation, and her journey to international recognition. This echoes the journey of JHENG JEWELLERY, a jewellery family that started as goldsmith and has now flourished for a century. The exhibition signifies the culmination of a hundred years of energy, marking the beginning of a new chapter.

Black Diamond Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl LianPu Pendant
Can be worn as a convertible brooch or pendant.